Gum Disease Treatment Philadelphia

Looking for a periodontist in Philadelphia? Dr. Eidelson has you covered for periodontal treatments such as LANAP laser gum disease therapy.

Philly Dentist » Gum Disease Treatment

Philadelphia LANAP Dentist Dr. Eidelson

Did you know that gum disease (periodontitis) is the leading cause of adult tooth loss? It’s also preventable. And if you catch gum infections while they’re in the earliest stages of gingivitis, completely reversible. Contact our team right away for trusted gum disease treatment in Philly.

Dr. Eidelson at the Periclase Training Completed Oct. 22nd

Dr. Eidelson completing the most advanced unique achievement  of fellowship from Periclase. CEREC & Lanap certified AAID Maxicourse completion.

Symptoms of Gum Disease

How can you tell if you have clinical periodontitis? The most obvious signs that you need gum disease treatment include:

  • Bleeding gums
  • Chronic halitosis
  • Visible tartar buildup
  • Gum recession
  • Loose teeth
  • Gaps between your teeth
  • Food getting caught each time you eat
  • Sore teeth when you bite down
  • Redness and swelling
  • Bone loss (as seen on dental x-rays)

Not everyone experiences all symptoms of gum disease. For instance, if you use tobacco products you may not see any redness, swelling, or bleeding in your gum tissues. That’s because the tobacco and smoke causes the blood vessels in those areas to atrophy. Other individuals may never experience gum recession, but the tissues have still detached from the roots of their teeth.

Early, frequent screenings for gum disease are essential in combatting the infection. The sooner the disease can be spearheaded, the greater chances you have of preventing tooth loss.

How is Gum Disease Treated?

Our treatment recommendations for gum disease are dependent upon the severity of your infection. In most cases our Philadelphia gum disease treatments will involve a series of deep cleanings. These procedures target the bacteria and tartar buildup deep below the gums, which are responsible for causing the gum and bone deterioration.

Besides deep cleanings, there are typically two different ways to treat periodontitis and bleeding gums:

Conventional gum surgery — includes retracting the tissues, treating the infection, then suturing them back into place.

LANAP laser gum surgery - uses advanced light energy in the form of a laser to predictably and gently improve gum health for patients with moderate to severe gum disease. And the best part: there’s little to no recovery time needed.

LANAP Protocol Explained:

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After your entire mouth has been treated, we’ll typically put you on a 3-4 month periodontal maintenance program to monitor your progress. Additionally, you’ll want to re-vamp your home hygiene routine to prevent new buildup from accumulating between appointments. Investing in a water flosser can be helpful, due to the extremely deep nature of gum disease pockets around your teeth.

LANAP Patient Testimonials:

Laser Gum Disease Treatment Benefits

Our Philadelphia LANAP dentist uses advanced, FDA-approved laser technology to treat gum disease without invasive surgery. LANAP is safe and effective for moderate to severe gum infections. And in most cases, it produces better results with little to no recovery time necessary.

Compared to traditional gum surgery, LANAP gum treatment provides advantages like:

LANAP No Cut No Sew No Fear
  • Less painful
  • Little to no bleeding
  • No cutting or sutures
  • Quicker recovery times
  • Safe pocket sterilization
  • Little swelling or discomfort

…all while physically stimulating the gums to reattach to the tooth root, shortening the periodontal pockets.

Plus, LANAP physically destroys infectious bacteria inside of the gum pocket without harming the healthy tissues around it.

Traditional Gum Disease Treatment

Conventional periodontal surgery involves physically retracting the gum tissues to expose tooth roots for direct access. This process is effective but often requires lengthy recovery times. It is sometimes referred to as “flap surgery” and is only performed by a licensed periodontist.

Disadvantages of Traditional Gum Disease:

  • Moderate discomfort after the procedure
  • Swollen, bleeding gums
  • Sutures that will need to be removed or dissolve
  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Limited diet during recovery
  • Lengthy recovery time

The Risk to Your Health

Gum disease isn’t just detrimental to your smile. It also significantly puts your health at a higher risk for medical complications. Repeated studies show that more aggressive periodontal infections statistically raise the chances of uncontrolled diabetes, stroke, heart disease (including heart attack,) infertility, preeclampsia, stillbirth, pneumonia, and erectile dysfunction.

The great news is that by treating gum disease, you’re actively removing bacteria and boosting your immune system. As a result, your body is better able to tackle other co-existing conditions. Clinical studies show us that people with other medical problems typically see improvement in their overall health within about three months of receiving periodontal disease treatment.

Think You Could Have Periodontal Disease?

Contact Main Street Dental Center City today to reserve a new patient exam and periodontal screening. We’ll be happy to provide the answers you need and get your smile’s health back on track.

LANAP Patient Testimonials:

Most PPO Insurance Accepted

Plenty of new patient specials available and most PPO insurance plans accepted. Call now with questions or book an appointment!

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