Invisalign® Cost & Other FAQ's
Answering your frequently asked questions about Invisalign® cost and more.

Invisalign orthodontics costs about the same as getting traditional braces. Yes, years ago that wasn’t always the case. But as technology became more advanced and readily available, Invisalign prices became lower and more affordable for everyday orthodontics patients. See below to see what determines the cost of Invisalign in Philadelphia.
What Determines the Cost of Invisalign?
The price of Invisalign is mostly dependent upon how many sets of trays will be required. Since each set of aligners is worn for two weeks (you change them out at home to progress your tooth movement) each pair factors into the cost. If your teeth are only slightly misaligned, you won’t need as many trays as someone with complex crowding or a cross bite.
During your Invisalign consultation, we’ll be able to provide an estimate as to how much time your specific length of treatment will require. At that point we’ll be able to pin down a price for Invisalign as it relates to your unique smile. Complex cases may require up to 24 months, while other “express” scenarios only take about six months total. The average treatment length is around 12 months.
Does Insurance Cover Invisalign?
Do you have orthodontic coverage included in your dental benefits package? Invisalign may fall under your allowed expenditures. When you provide our office with a copy of your insurance card, we can call to confirm the details of your plan and then give you a closer estimate of what is or isn’t included.
Complimentary Invisalign Consult
Is Invisalign right for you? Request a complimentary Invisalign consultation with Dr. Eidelson to find out if clear orthodontic aligners are right for you. Call us today to get started.
Philadelphia Invisalign Financing for Every Budget
Do you have orthodontic coverage included in your dental benefits package? Invisalign may fall under your allowed expenditures. When you provide our Philadelphia Invisalign dentist with a copy of your insurance card, we can call to confirm the details of your plan and then give you a closer estimate of what is or isn’t included.
Saving You Time and Money
Our Philadelphia Invisalign patients can enjoy fewer, quicker appointments since the aligners are changed out at home. That means less time off work and minimal impact on your lifestyle. Plus, your clear trays are delivered from our private cosmetic dentistry office, so there’s no need to refer you to an offsite orthodontist.
A Smart Investment in Your Oral Health
Straighter teeth are healthier teeth. By aligning your bite with Invisalign, you can statistically lower your risks of recurring tooth decay, gum disease, and even TMJ disorder. The modest investment you make in your smile provides a host of long-term financial and wellness benefits for years to come.
Most PPO Insurance Accepted
Plenty of new patient specials available and most PPO insurance plans accepted. Call now with questions or book an appointment!